6 Things You Need To Know About Smoke Alarm Laws
Smoke alarms provide early warning to occupants of dangers in their homes that can save property from being destroyed by fire. Most states require them in residential dwellings. Smoke warnings also give time to escape before being harmed. This article will discuss important things about smoke alarm laws.
The law requires installing smoke alarms at key places in your home.
The law requires you to install and test smoke alarms at these key places in your home:
- On every level of your home, including the basement.
- In every bedroom.
- Outside all sleeping areas.
- In hallways
- In garage
- In kitchen
Suppose you need help remembering to check your batteries. In that case, it’s a good idea to have multiple smoke alarms—one battery-operated model for each floor of the house and one wired into your electrical system if you have central air conditioning or heating (this will make sure they’re always working).
You must replace smoke alarms every 10 years.
Like any other electrical device, smoke/carbon monoxide alarms have a lifespan and must be replaced regularly. Smoke alarm manufacturers use various methods to indicate when it’s time for you to replace your current unit with a new one, including:
- A date code on the back of the device starts with an X, which indicates that it has expired and should be replaced within the next year. These are usually found on hardwired devices (those wired directly into your home’s electrical system) or those powered by lithium batteries (which typically last about seven years).
- A manufacture date printed on the faceplate or packaging that has long since passed by more than 10 years.
Even if you need to figure out how old your current smoke detector is, replacing it with a new one every 10 years is a good idea. It is because of the device’s limited battery life. Smoke detectors are also susceptible to environmental conditions like extreme heat or cold, making them more prone to malfunctioning.
The laws require you to test your new smoke alarms after installation.
Smoke alarm law requires you to test your new smoke alarm after installation or replacement to determine if it is working properly. The test should be performed by pressing the button on the smoke alarm and holding it down for 10 seconds. If your smoke detector emits an audible tone, it works correctly.
There are several instances in which you should test your smoke alarms, including:
- When you move into a new home.
- When you install new appliances.
- When you install new furniture with an upholstered surface that can catch fire.
- Every month, by pressing the test button on the smoke alarm (or pulling its battery tab, if it has one).
Smoke alarms should have a battery backup (9-volt)
Smoke alarms should have a battery backup (9-volt) to ensure that they will sound if there is a power outage. It is an important safety feature of the smoke alarm because, without the battery backup, smoke alarms will not work if there is a power outage.
When installing a new smoke alarm, it is important to check that this feature is included. In addition, if your smoke alarm has a 9-volt battery backup, change it every six months to be ready when needed.
Smoke alarms should not be painted over or covered by furniture.
Smoke alarms should not be painted over or covered by furniture because the paint will prevent smoke particles from reaching the smoke alarm. If you paint your home, make sure all your smoke alarms are visible, and clean them before painting. Similarly, it would help if you did not cover it with furniture because it will obstruct their sensing ability, and they will not be able to detect smoke.
Smoke alarms should provide early warning to occupants of dangers in your homes.
Smoke alarms should provide early warning to occupants of dangers in their homes so that they escape before smoke and fumes can spread in the home and can cause serious injury or death. The early warning or these smoke alarms can also help save property from being destroyed by fire.
Smoke alarm laws protect you and your family from fire. Everyone must be aware of these laws to have an effective smoke alarm installed in their home. You should install smoke alarms on every home landing and outside sleeping areas such as bedrooms. It’s also important to have your smoke alarms tested regularly by a qualified electrician.