When Do You Need To Get Skin Cancer Screening In Singapore?
Skin cancer starts from the uncontrollable growth of abnormal skin cells. Skin cancer has three primary types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. These types of cancer can be detected through skin cancer screening in Singapore.
But the problem is people don’t know if they need skin cancer screening. Although genetic predisposition is one of the risk factors for skin cancer, having no family history of the disease does not mean you are safe.
Here are the signs that you need to visit dermatologists in Singapore for skin cancer screening:
Certain groups of people expose themselves to the sun for too long. It could be part of their job or a hobby. For example, surfers are always under the sun. Farmers are always out in the sun to tend their crops.
Ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun is a type of radiation that damages the skin cells. Long periods of sun exposure increase the risk of developing a type of skin cancer.
Wearing sun protection, such as a UV sun protection arm sleeve and applying sunscreen from time to time can mitigate the effects of UV light on the skin. If you are frequently under the sun, visit dermatologists in Singapore for a checkup.
Did you know that exposure to chemicals and substances can also increase your risk of non-melanoma skin cancer?
For example, frequent contact with radioactive chemicals can damage skin cells. Among those at risk are radiologists and chemists. Carcinogenic chemicals and materials, such as lubricating oils and arsenic chemicals, alter skin cells. The people most exposed to these are oil and petroleum workers.
If you have been exposed to these chemicals, it is safe to get skin cancer screening in Singapore.
Caucasians and white people have a higher chance of developing cancer than people of colour. It is because they have less melanin on their skin. Melanin gives natural pigment to the skin, hair, and irises. Melanin also protects your skin cells from UV rays. Therefore, the less melanin you have, the more unprotected you are.
If you are a caucasian with white skin, blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes who loves to be under the sun all the time or is frequently with chemicals, visit a doctor for skin cancer screening. The last thing you need is laser treatment for pigmentation.
One of the complications of radiation therapy is itchy, dry, peeling, and irritated skin. Although these are manageable, they rarely lead to skin cancer.
Psoriasis treatment that involves UV light may also have the same effect. It is a precaution to take a skin cancer screening test if you have undergone these treatments.
Besides getting STI screening in Singapore for human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, it is also helpful to get skin cancer screening. Some HPV infections affecting the genital and anal areas are at risk of skin cancer.
Don’t hesitate to visit dermatologists in Singapore for skin cancer screening if you have these signs. Early detection is the key to beating not only skin cancer but all types of cancers.
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